Upcoming Performances

We’d love to see you at one (or all!) of our upcoming performances. Mark your calendars and come experience the power of live choral music!

March 8 – Houston Madrigal Festival with the Houston Men’s Choir

Foundry UMC | 5:00 PM

March 30 – Spring Concert: "Generations" with the Treble Choir of Houston

Trinity Downtown | 3:00 PM | BUY TICKETS

Casulana | Women's Choir of Houston, in collaboration with the Treble Choir of Houston, will present "Generations", a concert showcasing singers spanning the ages from 11 - 84. The Treble Choir of Houston, under the direction of Marianna Simpson and Bethany Stuard, will be feature first on the program. They will join Casulana on Clara Schumann's Ich stand in dunkeln Träumen. Casulana's concert features a premiere of Resterà la luce by Giorgio Susana, followed by Gwyneth Walker's How Can I Keep from Singing; In the MIddle by Dale Trumbore; Lineage by Andrea Ramsey; and When I Become an Old Woman by Sherry Blevins.

May 17 – Kim André Arnesen’s "The Wound in the Water" with the Houston Masterworks Chorus

Grace Presbyterian | 4:00 PM

We can't wait to share these special performances with you!